The Benefits of Journaling
When you hear 'journaling', who else thinks back to their “Dear Diary” days of primary school with the little books with the padlock on them?!
Journaling is a great self awareness tool and something I have found incredibly helpful over the last couple of years. When I started it felt very awkward and clunky and forced, but now…
But it's a great practice that I recommend to my clients to unburden them from constant thoughts or unwanted feelings.
I found it easier to get started if I had a journal prompt… Like these:
What are the feelings I need to sit with today and what are they showing me?
What do I need to forgive myself for today?
Where am I the most overwhelmed in my life? How can I take steps to simplify?
If you want more journaling prompts, follow my Instagram page and tap on my story highlights.